Oxford Spires Hotel

A stay at Oxford Spires Hotel gives you the best of both worlds. Set upon miles of beautiful parkland alongside the Thames, this renowned venue is walkable from Oxford’s city centre.

An elegant destination for both leisure and business travellers, the Oxford Spires has an array of modern amenities to complete its riverside location.
Rooms: Various ensuite (single/multiple occupancy, including suites). Overview availabe on the hotel website
Amenities: weight room, spa, surrounding parkland (further details)
Price: £250/night
Location:  Abingdon Road, Oxford OX1 4PS
Book via: telephone +44 (0)1865 324 324 or email oxfordspiresreservations@oxfordspireshotel.co.uk and quote reference 19343760.
Notes: Well connected by bus to Oxford city centre, but the bus will stop at the corner of Cornmarket and High Street: there is no direct public transport or taxi route from there to the Maths Institute but it is a pleasant 12-minute walk through the centre of Oxford.

Note also: the block booking is only available until 26 May.  After that date, our block reservation disappears but you can still book a room via www.oxfordspireshotel.co.uk.

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